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November 5, 2016

So begins the Holiday season of 2016. This promises to be a very interesting season. Not just because it’s the Holidays. This season will extend well beyond the Holidays.

It’s been quite a year with the nation divided between political parties. I haven’t written much in terms of the political race. I see absolutely nothing good coming from either end. This is not a rare issue for me. I absolutely abhor everything to do with Washington and it’s politics. I also have grown to be very leery of Christians who start in on the merits of a given political figure. The way I personally feel about it: As a Christian, you may mention a political candidate/figure once…after that I figured that anything more is evil. This is not a matter of Kingship…or Heaven-bound authority. All kingdoms of the earth will eventually bow down to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Christians really need to WAKE UP during this season. It always boils down to the fact that I personally see Christians replacing their personal soul saving sermons with a personal vendetta to oust any political leader…this is clearly not biblical! Yes, we are to expose the truth for truth and a lie for a lie.

But what do we do when the truth and the lie have already been exposed?

We move on of course. There is nothing more to see here, nothing more to witness. A crime scene gets old rather quickly, the body of evidence is taken, the scene is washed of any blood spilled, carpets replaced, walls painted, and finally the light comes in!

Barack Obama may be hated for who he is, and what he represents. But let’s not forget, that though he is a descendant of the moslem faith, he is not the first President to do wrong, he won’t be the last. But Christians go after him with todo gusto.

I don’t hate Nixon for the Watergate scandal. I don’t blame Bill Clinton for being an adulterer, and I don’t blame Obama for the terrorist attacks and other failures. Why? Because if all eyes were on me, I’d be the greatest sinner on earth.

All the modern day Presidents have done wrong, and they will continue to do wrong. From Nixon, to Clinton, to Bush and on to Obama…Political leaders have done very little to push the progress of our country. No leader can take any huge strides anymore to do that because change happens slowly!

Yet Christians are putting our government leaders under the magnifying glass.  They are searching…but for what? Mistakes? A kill switch? Perhaps they are searching for the Messiah all over again, as the Messianic Jews have been. It certainly seems very clear that almost all Christians who have gotten involved with exposing the doings of a government have forgotten one thing: a double edged sword can swing both ways. We tend to forget that we ourselves are under a magnifying glass.

Our God is definitely not a favorable deity. He can, and will, put anyone He chooses in office. He kept a man who failed to be a king in office (Saul), and according to David no one could say anything against him.  President Obama is in office today because many a Christian called for change, or no change. Well they got change alright. You see, it all goes back to the Biblical example of Israel wanting a king to rule them. They didn’t want a God, THE God, as a supreme leader.

We need a righteous leader, and in fact we yearn after one. It occurs to me that no other leader is righteous, except God, and in truth, everything about this election, and others like it, are full of the same thing. You see, there is really no change at all: a government without God as the head, will always fail.

Now, I don’t know about you…but if I gave my children everything they ever wanted or needed, but I saw them going after a surrogate father, I would be HIGHLY disappointed. I would reason that my children would know better than that. But alas…to another they do go.

Folks, when we lift up anything, and anyone, before God, we are committing an atrocious form of idolatry.



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